Thursday, 16 June 2011


Hello Everyone

Now as we all know it is so hard to get traffic to your site and without it we don`t get any sign ups or even more important sales. I have been using a few traffic sites which really work for me.

I rather use traffic exchange rather than safelists as safelist I end up with a inbox I can`t keep up with and at the end of the day you just end up deleting it all just to get some space.

With traffic exchange it is so much easier and more fun. The list I am going to give you which as I said really works for me are not only better but you get cash for surfing as well which is a bonus as well. And some of them have a chat site on the side so you can see what people have to say about your site and in general.

So here is the list and have fun.


Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Do You Know You Are Worth It.

This is really encouraging. Every-so-often, we need some encouragement and motivation to get us through a tough day. The new company, Be Motivated Today motivates and encourages you through PEP-Talks, videos and more.
Here's a taste:
You are incredible!
You are incredible! You're smart, resourceful and capable. You add value to your company and those around you. You love to smile and you like helping people. You have awesome potential. You have goals that you reach. You make a positive difference in the lives of others. You know you're not perfect, but you try. You face challenges and you overcome them. You work hard. You love to win and today you'll show the world that you are a Winner.
If you would like more motivation, visit

You can register for a 14-Day FREE Trial and receive 3 gifts, including a report on becoming financially f'ree, a website, and a motivational audio, with workbook, on how to release your potential.

They also have a very informative video.
Watch it at

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Hello Everyone.

Well I hope you are all doing very well. A lot of people are asking me lately if I know of someone who can do websites? Yes I do and will give it to you now.

Alot of people are using website that belong to someone else, you can call it sub letting or sub whatever depends on where you have your website.

But why do that why not have your own website? Well here they are to bloody expense then there is it takes to long I know of people who have hired someone to do a website for them and a year later are still waiting.

Well I have a link for you where you can get your very own website. And it doesn`t cost you a arm and a leg and you don`t have to sell your spouse to afford it. It is a professional one that will take your business to the next level. It is easy to use and yes you do not have to wait forever to get your website.

But he is going one better take the survey and he will give you a demo website just of you .
Now what have you got to loose

Try him I recommend him highly go through my link to get to him.   

Hope this help guys



Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Hello Everyone

How is everyone doing? How hard is it for anyone to believe the positive to think positive or even believe in the good. That good thing can happen to you and that you deserve it. Well Be Motivated has a couple of ebook that will help you achieve your goals, It will help you think in they right way.

These are just the tip of the ice burg if you would like to see more come.

This is really worth your time. Well that also depends if you really want to succeed,Do you?


Thursday, 19 May 2011

Monday, 16 May 2011

Be Motivated Today

Hello everyone!

Today I would like to know how many of you really do succeed on online work at home? Has anyone every thought of why? The other day I had a friend come see me, she was in tear and said she was looking for something she could do to find a online job that would not scam her, She said she had tried everything and everything she clicked on was a scam. You see she has to pay her rent in a few days and this poor women doesn`t have a cent really nothing.

I sat her down and asked if she had looked at this blog? she said she had but it would take awhile to make the money which she did not have. So you can guess what I said. Jip this one was going to be a challenge, I told her that most online work did take a while , You see online work is not a quick fix it is a business which you have to grow and the does take time whether we think it  or not. 

But the look in this women`s eye`s broke my heart so I opened my laptop and said we will look what we can find.
I asked her what she was interested in doing and she replied by say anything from email processing to data capture. 

OOOO and did the alarm bell go off but because this women was so distraught I didn`t want to say anything. So yes we sat there all day YES all day and found NOTHING everything is a scam EVERYTHING.  

Now I am going to shout but this is to the people out there that are scamming everyone if you don`t do this please do not take notice 


Sorry had to get that off my chest. Well it goes to say we didn`t find her anything so now we have to make another plan. 

Now with all that said:

I would like to introduce you all to this new business that I am involved this, This is fantastic. I would like to extend a invitation to All of you to please come over and take a look. There is a Free trial which you can take to see how the company works and find you feet.

I have never seen anything like this. You need to come and see what all the excitement is all about FOLLOW this you will not be disappointed.

Well I have to go work to do and people to see LOL.

Will see you on the inside    


PS. If you can afford it I would like you to donate and help me help other people which are not as lucky as we are , and there are so many. Every little bit will help.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Social Networking Do or Don`t?

Hello Everyone

I hope all the Mommies out there had a wonderful mother`s day.

How many of you are battling to get people to your site or Affiliate programs? ..... Mmm that`s what I thought,

 Now how many of you enjoy social networking?  And no it is not a swear word.

Do you do Facebook? or maybe Twitter? And how many have fun with it? Great, Now how would you feel or like to make money doing that?

Jip that is right you didn`t read wrong I did say earn money . Well I am going to let you in on my secret.

SWOM yes swom. Let me tell you more and you will see what I mean.

This chat site or rather social networking site is a world class social networking site it ranks up there with Facebook and Twitter but this time you get the best on both worlds. No 3 worlds, Now you confessed right, No see no 1. And for most of you this is the most important part YOU GET PAID. no. 2 You meet amazing people with years of advise and knowledge and they are very willing to share with you. no. 3 You get to tell everyone about your projects and business and they are interested and yes they do go look.

Sound great? Thought so.

Come try,

Now if I told you that you could earn double would you try.Great her sister site is very much the same but in a way different.
So try double your income and contacts

So you now have a income and I will say passive one, You have now got friends for life, Plus you put your business out there. What more could you ask for?

Oh ok you ask how to get people to join well you don`t have to, but if you would like more money you will get people to join, but this is made easy.They give you the tools.

If you do want to advertise apart and a very good source I found is PANDA POWER TRAFFIC. this is easy to use and free and will be surprised at your responds.

So come join the fast growing world of Social Network. It is great, fun, and world of knowledge.

Then I have a ebook which I going to share with you on Marketing which I downloaded, but will share that with you next time. Reason being I have to find out how to get it here. Oh and if anyone has advice on that please leave me a comment. Will help.

That is it for now, If you found anything interesting here please donate the button is on your left.

Enjoy your week


Thursday, 5 May 2011

Hi Everyone
How is everyone doing? This has been one of those weeks , the one where you feel like the world is coming down around you and everything that can go wrong will go wrong. I am sure most of you have had a few days like that , when you wounder what am I doing and why . And it would be so much easier to go back to work and sit in a office where you know you get a pay cheque every month and how that gets to you is not your problem but the companies that you work for concern.Why like most of you I was there this week, going thought the 10000 of emails I get daily on how I should market and advertise etc. And just got to a point where you think to yourself  do these people really think we buy all this hype , You will make so much money in such a short time and own all these Hughe homes and gorgeous cars. Come on people if it was that easy we would all be rich and we would not need to read all this ........  Will give you more real tips on marketing and advertising in the next blog . On this one i just want us to concentrate on why we do want to work at home ,give up that pay check every month to sit at home and try so hard to make it work, build a business that will give us freedom to go on holiday when we want and sleep till when we want.Well the reason is look around you , yes there where you sitting look at your children , look at the look on their faces when they look at you. they wake up and you there , they cry out for you and you there not a school teacher at daycare nobody but you. You finally get to see the small thing they which you missed out on when you where at work. 2 the traffic listen to how many people are stuck on the motorway pulling their hair out while you sit and have a cup of coffee. 3 No boss telling you what time to start work, what time to finish, or it not complete, or you have to it done by end of the day NO you just work at your own time, After all we all grown up now we know what needs to be done. If we think of all this then we know that is it that is why we work from home. And we get another cup of coffee , kiss your kids on the cheek and sit in front of your computer again. now life doesn`t seem so bad after all. Cause you have the best of it. Yes we do battle some days but just remember why you do it then start again.

Please if you like this article or if this meant anything to you donate alittle thanks and remember those looking for work there are real jobs on this blog just go through it and on the older blog in here to

Have a great day, and remember your kids love you for what you trying to do



Saturday, 30 April 2011


Hello Everyone

First I would like to congratulate all of you who have taken the time to go thought the ads on this blog and who have now got real online jobs . Hope you enjoy the work and the money you all know who you are. See it help to go through it all you never know and for those who went to my online store hope you enjoy your new computer tools and software and the two who got jobs here you will enjoy working with me . Then to those who donated thank you , thank you, thank you , there is a little surprise on its way for you too just to say thank you.
Ok as all of you know and probably saw yesterday was the royal wedding. (so not many of us got any work done, but it was worth it) I was a proud moment for most of us South African to see on of our darlings getting married into the royal family.And not to mention that dress . So from all South Africans we say good luck to them and hope they have a long and happy marriage ( hope it last and not like his father.)Now back to the point and the reason why some or most of you are reading these blogs. Ok some are here just to see whats going on and others to find work, but have you ever thought why you not getting work or rather WHY are you working for someone else ? well to answer the first question there are a few reason 1, You don't have a proper Resume, well I sorted that out for you and those who took the Professional resume I have on this blog are the one who got the jobs (hope you saved me some champagne) , the second is lack of direction or rather lack trying, most people are highly intelligent people and most of you come up with great idea of your own to make money but you never take action! You never act on the idea , you either wait and the idea fades away until there is nothing left or you talk yourself out of it ,or even worse you let other people talk you out of it, Why do they or you do this , is it cause you ask yourself will it work ,what if i loose money, How will you know if you know if you don't try stop of complicating it focus on the idea and start it and nipple on it till you come right, as for other who say you will not succeed why would you list to them are they people who have great business or major rich and tried these idea and fail .NO THEY HAVENT that's why they would tell you not to why would they want you to succeed when they cant . That is just the nature of people the other does not want to see the sun shine on someone else . So to hell with everyone else get the idea and run with it NOW before it fades.Now I must say before you jump in and start something new ( new business etc) you need to ask yourself a few questions, Am I happy with my life as it is would I like to improve it . If you not and you not afraid of a challenge (which it is) then start, but if you are comfortable with life and you the type of person who often asks yourself question like "I should have put more thought into this" or "why did I do something so stupid"Then maybe you are not a risk take and should maybe just think about whether you should uproot everything. But if you someone who often say " I should have done it when I wanted to ", "or why didn't I do that look where I could be right now" then run do it and do it now. Some or most of the things you try will not work at first or rather might take time to build ( Roman was not build in a day and neither where great business and idea so please do not give up just keep at it , it will work just have some faith in yourself and trust yourself . A great business person always has great confidence even if he feel a little how do you say in a little trouble if you like. They still show confidence and that is what draws people and that is what will make it work. All home business work you just have to keep at it , it might not work overnight but you need to think in the long run, After all we all start because we want to build a business one we can later sit back and watch it run itself, so you need to think long term not on quick fix ( although those do help ALOT) but the don't bring money in in the long term and this is what you want.Then do not put all your eggs into one basket, you need to have multi streams of income at least 3-4 just so that if one is slow one month you can fall back on the others,don't do to many or you will drown and you will be working around in circles and get nowhere anyway. Well I think I said enough for now hope this helps in motivating you and get you off the couch and do something.

If this is of any help I will once again ask for donate ( you all know the reason) Good luck and go through the jobs on this blog you might be the next on who I congratulate and send something.


PS My link to the online store and jobs

Monday, 25 April 2011

Hello everyone

First i would like to thank you for reading this and for everyone who donated, there where 2 very happy children this Easter ( I take the money you donate and bought this family a few things for Easter and the kids Easter egg, cause as i said this money goes to this family) That brings me to the point on how easy it is for all of us to go from up there to nothing and i mean rock bottom and that in just a few weeks we all so involved in trying to live and making money that we loose sight of what we are really trying to do. Don't get me wrong money is great and yes we do need it and cant go without it , But we try so hard to get it that in the end we running around in circles and getting nowhere, Until one day we wake up, we old our children have grown up and started there own family and you sitting on a chair saying to yourself now what? Maybe we should stop , stop and live a little take time to spend with our spouse and children take the day to sit outside ,invite the family over and just have a great day. I watched a movie the other night and those of you who stay in South Africa would probably have seen it to well that is to say if you awake at 1.00 am in the morning It was called conversations with God . People if i ask you to do anything it is to go watch this movie. It basically said that help other people first and by helping others that , that you want will come to you all on its own. Stop praying for what you want and think of other first and you will in the end get what you want, And as hard as it is stop worrying about where you next pay cheques will go , which hole will it fill and believe me i am still trying very hard to get this down to a art, and it is not easy but we try. Everything happens for a reason we might not know what the reason is but there is one. And where one door closes another will open . OK enough of the mellow dramatics how are the rest of you going with finding jobs ? Hope you have tried some of the sites i have recommended but if you haven't here are a few more which you might try. And these pay my husband got paid today  Then there is Odesk . There is also a site which will help you find the scam free site online this is . This site will tell you if the site you want to work on is a scam or not and if they don't know they will go find out for you (it takes 48 hour to do so). Well that is it for now will chat soon have to get back to my family hope you all had a blessed Easter and please don't forget to donate if you can and if you enjoy what i had to say .will be back in a day or so.


Friday, 22 April 2011

How I make money online (tips)

Hello Everyone

First hope you all having a great Easter. Now i am going to tell you how i make money online and you should know me by now i don't do anything that scams me or bull.... me. I am the only always bitching about it. I have a few lines of income and some of them is the PTC but as you know that would take 10 years to earn $ 10  you click and click and click only to see 0.0014 in your account ( and i don't have much time for that) the next and this is my second biggest is my blog and website . And no it is not that easy it takes alot of work. Will tell you how to get this started in a minute, but my Hugh on is my online store and yes i do offer jobs there so go check it out these jobs pay well so go look.Now to make money with your blog. well most of you already have a blog up and what you need to do is find something to write about which you think people would be interested in and to do this go round the web and see what is happening. then when you have written what you want , the next is get it out there so step 1.Go to 2.In blog name enter your blog name 3.In blog home page enter your blog URL 4. In common service click ALL 5. Click SEND
Next go to  1. In URL enter your blog details then click start ping . Then go to  In blog name enter your blog name  2. In blog URL enter your blogs URL 3. Check all. 4. Click i agree. 5.Ping blog. Then go to next  1. In blog name enter your blog name. 2. In blog URL enter your blogs URL. 3. Click on check all. 4. Agree. 5.Ping again. Then go to  1. Enter your blog address enter your blog URL. 2. Click submit. Then go to  1. In website name enter your blog name. 2 In website URL enter your blog URL. Then push submit. And you done this will get your blog out in the open and it might take a few day depending on what you wrote.So go try . Then next is to join the the advert market . ON my blog i have a few or then (well a hole lot) but click on them and get there codes ( they will show you how ) and advertise  on your blog these are what brings in some of the  cash. That is it for today will keep you updated and try these little things it will work. If you found this article interesting and it works for you would you be so kind as to donate there is a button on my blog for this ( this money i give to a less fortunate family who needs it)


Tuesday, 19 April 2011


Hello Everyone
I have a challeng for all the moms and dad out there.Alot of you are sitting infront of the computer everyday going through site after site,Now my questions is how many of you have gone to site for work and it says FREE work and you think great found one ? So you sign up and YIP you have to get a certain amount of people to join you or worse you now have a account so you have to UPGRADE now to get the work or to as they say earn at you potensial ? Yip another site which you delete. The y say it is advertiseing but is it ? You just wasted your time going through the hole bloody things but they said earn instant cash now in 24 hour FREE, will get you your downlines for FREE ? Now my CHALLENG I want a few people to help me I would like you to go to these FREE site and see if any of you do make money as they say BUT you are not allowed to upgrade you have to do it as the ad says FREE and if you dont make the thousands which they say to post it on this site. Reason I want you to help is you know what they say help others and they will help you.I am doing the same and will post them all as I get them. This is to help everyone to know where to stay away from and where to find real jobs. Which i do have for you which i am busy setting up the links for you.If by some miracle you do make thousands overnight and I say again no cheating it have to be free NO UPGRADE then you are welcome to post it on my site and i will advertise it for you , And yes i will do it for FREE nothing out your pocket I will even go as far as to advertise on other sites for you too again for FREE out my pocket. So I am looking forward to see what you find and believe me others are to  GOOD LUCK;

Will chat later

Sunday, 17 April 2011

People are cruel

Hello everyone

I know i post alot but this is for your own good.I have just spend the last 10 hours going through site after site and every site I enter is just another b*******t story after another. No wonder it is so hard to find online job ( this blog is not  for the online business who are legit and really do work) this is for the a******le out there that insist on making a bad name for those who really are trying to give employment . Those who are looking for work really do want to work! And if they had money to put into your so called business they would not be looking would they. Who the Hell pay to work for someone!!!!!!!!!!!. Oh by the way the ads that are on this blog are the ones that work . Then there are those and yes i am going to say names that promise you work sign up and work will be sent.EG earn part time jobs great you say when you sign up get 2 people to sign up then work will be send Crap people you need 380 people to sign up before you get your first job. they same as Data entry jobs you don't get jobs you sign people up and if you or them UPGRADE you make money please  people we all ask stop this if you cant or wont give real job that require people who are battling to find work *(which by the way is alot of people in case you didn't know we all went thought the same recession) then don't place the add it makes it difficult for those who do have real job hard to find people to work for them and if you do decide you have to advertise then tell the truth and tell what they have to do to really get the job . I know this blog will cheese alot people off and i am sorry about that but somebody needs to say something,  people don't have money to pay rent,school fees.etc and yet they get led around the bush that not fair and Internet is not cheap so to sit and surf for legit job is of great importance to most. Ok the ones i found in the last 10 hour is EMPLYMENT 911 but this is for USA people only , then there is SECRETARYWORLD.NET , and once again if you have 25$ you can joining email home business.
That is it for now .Please feel free to comment on this and as you know i don't ask a cent for this info and feel feel like it could you donate but you don't have to if you don't feel comfortable i will still bring all the facts


Saturday, 16 April 2011

work for Mommys/Daddys: Something to read and think about

work for Mommys/Daddys: Something to read and think about: "I am going to right something which i read the other day which made alot of sense. I am not sure who wrote it but we say thank you and great..."

Something to read and think about

I am going to right something which i read the other day which made alot of sense. I am not sure who wrote it but we say thank you and great artical.
Network marketing, or "MLM" can be a great way to earn everything from a small additional income to a generous full time living.

However, many people join mlm type opportunities without really knowing what they are getting themselves in to. This is probably one of the biggest reasons for the fact that some people have very low thoughts about this type of business.

Mlm works if you do it right. Period. That said, here are seven really poor reasons for enrolling in a network marketing opportunity:

1) Earning "easy money"

I know - the mlm-companies are very good a promoting their business as a simple 1-2-3 process that anyone can do and become an instant millionaire. Especially online it has almost become a standard to use super long and totally over hyped sales letters.

This is the equivalent of claiming that anyone who can open a can of beans can be a master chef.

Don't get me wrong, I do think most people CAN make it in mlm if they put their minds to it. But you must be prepared to learn many new things and you WILL have to work for it. Make no mistake about that!

2) Expecting that "spill over" will do all the work

Many mlm opportunities are built on what's called a "forced matrix". For example, in a 3x9 matrix, when you have sponsored your three first new members, the fourth will be placed under the first person you sponsored. This person has thus gained one person in HIS downline, without any effort on his part.

Now, some companies would have you believe that their top recruiters are so effective that the spill over from their marketing will automatically make you, who are joining at the very bottom right now, an instant success.

This is simply a pipe dream - it will never happen. Yes, you probably will get a few people spilled over into your downline, but nowhere near enough to guarantee your success. The sheer width of the matrix on your level, means that there is an enormous amount of representatives that will have to shear any amount of spill over.

And who says the top recruiters are as active as they once where anyway? Worst case scenario, they are now working on something else entirely, because their income in this particular opportunity is already secured.

3) Thinking that a product is so great it will sell itself

This is a classic mistake, because most mlm systems simply aren't really about the product. This fact is difficult to swallow, I know.

As a greenhorn I remember joining this lottery syndicate-mlm, thinking that "everybody" would want better chances at winning the lottery - right? The disappointment was huge when I discovered the truth - some people even made fun of any attempt to mention this great new thing I had discovered.

Likewise, in mlm, it will not matter if you are selling a breakthrough product that contains every mineral and vitamin under the sun - if you do not understand what network marketing is really all about.

4) Doing an old friend a favour

We have all been there - an old friend you haven't met for years who suddenly calls you and want to set up a meeting about something he will tell you more about when you meet..

I'm not saying that this couldn't be a potentially good business. But calling all your friends is a very ineffective way to do mlm, and you should never join any opportunity only to do someone else a favour. Because in the end this is about you, your money and your career.

5) Earning a lot of money in a short period of time

Most mlm testimonials always seem to go something like this:

- In my first month I made $800 and now, in my third month, I have been able to quit my job and...etc.

While not outright lies, testimonials like these are usually collected from individuals who, through luck or skill, managed to join this particular opportunity from the very beginning. They are simply at the top of the pyramid and they often know exactly what they are doing - the're the mlm experts.

Like most offerings, mlm opportunities have a life cycle that grows rapidly in the beginning. During this phase of explosive growth it can be very easy to sponsor dozens of new people per day, with relatively little effort. After all, this is something entirely new and one well placed ad can do wonders.

However, if you join after this initial explosion, it is much more difficult to see quick results and it requires more effort to attract new people into the business. Patience, knowledge and the right strategy is required to succeed here.

6) Big name X endorses this program

This is somewhat related to the previous point. Mr. Big Hitter have made thousands of dollars with this opportunity already and he is not shy about telling anyone how EASY it was. And he's probably not lying either. It was easy - for him.

Because, like noted above, he probably got involved in this opportunity long before it was launched to the general public, because he already knows all the right people.

He (or she), also know their stuff, and have the resources (large email lists, advanced Internet marketing tools etc.) to quickly and efficiently let the word out to a large number of people.

If you are relatively new to this game, it is a very bad idea indeed to assume that you instantly could pull off feats worthy of a network marketing guru. Would you compare your golfing abilities to those of Tiger Woods?

I didn't think so.

7) Thinking this will be a free business to run

I'm not talking about the membership fee of your mlm opportunity here, because that is a given. But many people falsely believe that they can market entirely for free using the Internet.

While it's true that there are some effective low cost Internet marketing techniques you can use, you should never fool yourself into believing that Internet marketing will be a no cost affair. Moreover, the online competition is usually quite fierce.

To summarize; Mlm can offer an exciting new way to earn money. But your motivation for joining a mlm business shouldn't be based on one of the misconceptions mentioned above.

Treat your business like a business, and you will be okey.

Thank you for reading this please post your comments. I dont ask anything for the info which i post on my blog so if you want or can please feel free to donate if you found this post helpful


Friday, 15 April 2011

Secrets to success

Hello everyone

They say what you give is what you get, we know her as Karma , this women or man drives me crazy sometime but it true she works.Someone who can give you insight into this is Grahm Norris this man just by doing for others he made a huge success of his bussiness read this and you will see more when you have read this please come back and tell me what you thought. I would also like everyone to let me know what else you would like to see on this blog let me know .Look forward to hearing from you


Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Why i do this

Hello everyone

Let me tell you alittle about why we do this, First it is so hard to find real paying jobs out there and to add to this we have debt to worry about , children, home life and every other little or big thing that come with being a parent we want money but we want to stay home and rise them too. So i try help by going throught all these site to try find the ones that might last or pay or give a permant income. I am married my Husband does this two , we have childre 3 and all teenages and i feel guilty for not being around more often and If i can help it will try make up for it. So to try give you the chance to stay home and work why not

These are other to look at as well as the ones in my previous posts.,and the other  .  See you all little later.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Get paid

Hi there guys

Ok this will def work faster please go and check this out it will work just made 100$

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Try these on for size

Hi there everyone

This research is time comsuming there are thosands of people out there just trying to see how and if they can scam people well here are a few more sites that are ok This site is new next

Friday, 8 April 2011

Improve your traffic

Battling to get traffic to your website, blog, or bussiness here are 2 great site . please take a look you will be in 7 heaven and the other


Hi Mommys and Daddy
Are you so tired of people telling you you wont make money on the Internet? Tired of not having enough money to pay bills, lying awake at night worried about your financial position? tried every work at home program only to be asked please pay so much and will send you training manual and when you do send money just one big scam. Well this few links will help you wont get rich overnight and take some time get into things but they all FREE and work .   Another few are  next  next and last so far . will keep looking and post all new ones i find so please keep checking back.

Mommy who succeeded

Monday, 4 April 2011

Somethings everyone should avoid and know

One night girls night out (fun right) well having a drinks this guy walks in normal right
? just one catch he is moving to quick towards your friend and next you know they (going to the car mmm) But wait she is married and the worst part is YOU are friends with the husband too ****! You are told or asked in a nice way to please not say anything so you don't, you know it wrong but you do anyway,No problem. A few days later you sitting in a coffee shop with other friends and who should walk in right THE HUSBAND but that's not his wife. He sees you regardless that you tried to hide under the table. Once again don't tell, cool, Another few days later you get invited to the dread braai, Crap now both in same room and you know the secret..... A few drinks later and your big mouth it slips out . Never mind that you did nothing wrong WHY the hell are you in trouble now both seem to be screaming at you for not being a friend and saying something to them (but you said keep quite) now you the dog in this story.

So let try get out of this first regardless if they friends or not say something trust me YOU will be better off in the long run. Make it a rule that there are really no men at ladies nights, after all they only happen once a week or so.And if you cant do any of this try not be in the same room when all hell breaks loose, Play dumb that normally works, And remember that song IT WASNT ME. Next story of true life stories next week

Feel free to post your own stories


Sunday, 3 April 2011

Secrets: Everyone Secrets

Secrets: Everyone Secrets: "Hello Has anyone every thought how many secrets you hold and know about everyone else? Ones that could get you into trouble and cause huge ..."

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Everyone Secrets


Has anyone every thought how many secrets you hold and know about everyone else? Ones that could get you into trouble and cause huge ****?