Wednesday 13 April 2011

Why i do this

Hello everyone

Let me tell you alittle about why we do this, First it is so hard to find real paying jobs out there and to add to this we have debt to worry about , children, home life and every other little or big thing that come with being a parent we want money but we want to stay home and rise them too. So i try help by going throught all these site to try find the ones that might last or pay or give a permant income. I am married my Husband does this two , we have childre 3 and all teenages and i feel guilty for not being around more often and If i can help it will try make up for it. So to try give you the chance to stay home and work why not

These are other to look at as well as the ones in my previous posts.,and the other  .  See you all little later.

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