Thursday 5 May 2011

Hi Everyone
How is everyone doing? This has been one of those weeks , the one where you feel like the world is coming down around you and everything that can go wrong will go wrong. I am sure most of you have had a few days like that , when you wounder what am I doing and why . And it would be so much easier to go back to work and sit in a office where you know you get a pay cheque every month and how that gets to you is not your problem but the companies that you work for concern.Why like most of you I was there this week, going thought the 10000 of emails I get daily on how I should market and advertise etc. And just got to a point where you think to yourself  do these people really think we buy all this hype , You will make so much money in such a short time and own all these Hughe homes and gorgeous cars. Come on people if it was that easy we would all be rich and we would not need to read all this ........  Will give you more real tips on marketing and advertising in the next blog . On this one i just want us to concentrate on why we do want to work at home ,give up that pay check every month to sit at home and try so hard to make it work, build a business that will give us freedom to go on holiday when we want and sleep till when we want.Well the reason is look around you , yes there where you sitting look at your children , look at the look on their faces when they look at you. they wake up and you there , they cry out for you and you there not a school teacher at daycare nobody but you. You finally get to see the small thing they which you missed out on when you where at work. 2 the traffic listen to how many people are stuck on the motorway pulling their hair out while you sit and have a cup of coffee. 3 No boss telling you what time to start work, what time to finish, or it not complete, or you have to it done by end of the day NO you just work at your own time, After all we all grown up now we know what needs to be done. If we think of all this then we know that is it that is why we work from home. And we get another cup of coffee , kiss your kids on the cheek and sit in front of your computer again. now life doesn`t seem so bad after all. Cause you have the best of it. Yes we do battle some days but just remember why you do it then start again.

Please if you like this article or if this meant anything to you donate alittle thanks and remember those looking for work there are real jobs on this blog just go through it and on the older blog in here to

Have a great day, and remember your kids love you for what you trying to do



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